Mortice Post & Rail Fencing
Our Lincolnshire Fencing or Mortice Post & Rail Fencing is quite simply the strongest post and rail fencing we offer.
Each post has mortice hole cut through to allow a rail to pass right through for incredible strength. The rails are 3.0 metres or 3.6 metres long, so with the overlap of the ends of each rail your posts will need to be spaced at 2.85 metres or 3.45 metres apart. Add a prick post in the middle of each bay for extra strength. We carry huge stocks of all shapes and sizes.
We stock two different style of posts. Our four hole range of fence posts is designed to give you a four rail fence at 1.5 metres high. Our three hole range of fence posts is designed to give you a three rail fence at 1.2 metres high.
Make sure you always specify pressure treated timber. All our timber fence components are pressure treated to prevent insect attack and fungal decay.